Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stash Envy or Stash Crash?

I love my fabric stash.  I love to fondle the fabric, or just sit and admire the colors.  Going to the fabric store is a destination event for me.  I justify the trip with a specific purchase in mind (e.g., that perfect green for a binding) and come home with 2 bags full of scrumptious fabric that has no specific purpose or designation.  Then comes the real fun, unpacking the shopping bags and getting the fabric ready for washing and hanging out. (Yes I am a Wash First person.  I do not use my dryer – ever.  I am old school clothesline all the way!)

I love to look at the fabric swaying in the breeze on my clothesline and even hang the fabric in color families to get motivated and dream about some possible upcoming projects.  Then it all comes in and has to be added to the STASH. 

Paper is a little easier since I do not have to wash it.  I hardly even sort it.  I just look for room on my already overcrowded shelves and wedge it in.  I do have to admit I am more particular with my Graphics 45 paper sets.  They are super expensive but worth every penny and demand my respect. 

So now we are at the crux of the problem:  Do I keep adding with Envy (I want it all!) or do I get busy and start crashing my stash with awesome projects that make me happy and ultimately clear out room on my finite shelves for…… MORE STASH!!  New Projects.  Empty Space? 

This blog is eclectic.  Art.  Quilting.  Sewing.  Crafting.  Anything can happen.  I will try to give clear directions, lots of photos, and encourage sharing. Let’s crash!